The main value of the company – principles which are defining at acceptance both strategic and operative decisions.
High quality of medical products – high quality of life
Our major purpose – manufacturing of the medical products answering to the highest quality standards.
We and a society
Nation health – the major value, therefore we incur responsibility for quality of our preparations.
Development of socially-important manufacturing is:
- The Guarantee of maintenance of a high standard of living of the person
- Region Development
- Creation of new workplaces
- Attraction of a scientific and technical resource.
The tomorrow’s reality begins with realisation of today’s ideas, therefore ability to create is that is necessary for us today.
Our team
The qualitative management based on principles of trust, expands our possibilities and promotes achievement of high indicates.
Comprehension of responsibility for the work by each worker – the keystone to success of all company.
The company is always open to widespread cooperation with the Russian and foreign partners in realisation of innovative and investment projects, and also outsourcing contract production.
We are interested in cooperation with the research centres with a view of development of high technologies of production of new original preparations.